
List your property for Sale

Property is a valuable asset and deserves the best attention from a qualified team of real estate professionals. NF Group was established in 1996 and employs over 500 people across the service lines of luxury residential properties, commercial real estate, international properties, strategic consultancy, investment and property management. We know how to provide the best service and get you the best price for your property!


First rate photography
360 degree tours
Marketing team dedicated
to boost listings
Featured on all major
property portals
Social media
Featured on
online supports
Regular feedback on enquiries
and viewings
Ongoing market updates
to keep you informed
You want to sell your property?
Contact our team and we will make it easier


Property Appraisal
It is always wise to conduct your own research of the market to get an idea of asking prices of similar properties. We can provide you with a report giving transactional sales data in your community where we can study values and volume with you in order to advise your asking price.
We always advise our clients to work exclusively with us. The reason for this is to ensure clear messaging and a seamless sales experience for both seller and buyer. Dubai Land Department restricted owners to choose a maximum of three agencies in order to reduce the chaos and fake listings but still there can be variations that distort the image of your property.
Preparation of your Property
We take great pride in making sure that your property is presented to prospective buyers in the best way so we will advise you to make sure the interior is as tidy as possible. First impressions count and this translates to our professional photographs and videos, and ongoing when viewings commence. Our team will always be there to help you with this.
We will market your property through a generous selection of platforms. Every property that we advertise needs to be registered with a Form A between seller and agency which can be issued and signed digitally. We will also need your ownership documents such as Title Deed or Oqood, Passport, EID if applicable.
Viewings and Enquiries
We will agree with you in advance the best times to view your property but will always try to give you at least 24 hours’ notice for a new customer. We will give you feedback about all viewings and enquiries so that you always understand how much interest there really is.
Offers and Negotiations
We will present all offers to you in writing and our broker will be there to advise you. It will depend on how much interest there is in the property, what level of offers come through, past sales transactions and other data points to consider. We will help you through all negotiations in order to secure the best price possible. Upon agreeing an offer we will commence the contract signing.
Sales Process
In brief:
  • The Buyer will sign a Form B which will be linked to your Form A and subsequently generates a Form F which is the Sale Agreement. The Parties will agree a transfer date which will be determined by whether either party has a mortgage or any other mitigating circumstances.
  • Upon approving the Form F both Buyer and Seller will issue a 10% deposit cheque made payable to the other and these cheques will held by the agency until transfer.
  • An NOC will be applied for and issued to the Seller by the Developer ahead of transfer.
  • On the day of transfer all Parties will attend a Dubai Land Department (DLD) Trustee Office and once approved by DLD the Seller will collect the payment, generally by Manager’s Cheque, and the new Title Deed is issued in the name of the Buyer.

  • Our team can discuss this process in more detail once contact is established.


Artem Maltsev
Sofia Purgina

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