
"Middle East 2030" Webinar

  • Middle East

The UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar — these countries are united not only by geographical location, but also by a common vision for the region's economic development.

Each of these states seeks to diversify its economy in favor of revenues independent of hydrocarbon production and reduce the share of oil production in GDP by 4 times.

This step implies that the Arabian Gulf countries will channel resources into tourism, infrastructure and business development. Probably, in parallel with this, there will be changes in legislation aimed at speeding up and simplifying legal processes for foreign investors. Achieving these goals will not only ensure economic sustainability, but will also support the strengthening and growth of the property market.

Currently, investors have a unique opportunity to put their money into real estate in the Middle East with a minimum entry threshold.

It is important to note that the countries in question have defined a common timeframe for the implementation of their strategies — the period from 2030 to 2040. That is why the webinar "Middle East 2030" received its name. .

The program is dedicated to discussing the promising trends in the Arabian Gulf and provides participants with the opportunity to gain important information on market trends and the benefits of investment.

In the webinar you will learn:

- How to profitably invest in Middle Eastern property,
- How to obtain a residence permit equivalent to citizenship,
- How to choose a project and developer,
- How to earn money from investing in resort property,
- What are the advantages of buying property in the Middle East,
- What migration and investment aspects to consider when choosing a country to invest in.

During the webinar we look at examples of existing projects with high investment potential and calculate their profitability.

Link to webinar recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IN-dMaJ1f4  (Subtitles must be switched on)

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